Body and Blood

Nov 14, 2021    Pastor AJ Mastic

Are there certain big sins that you feel you could never commit? Surely not I, right?

This week we dig into Matthew 26:17-30 with Pastor AJ as we explore the cross through the context of the upper room!

“The Kingdom of God is at hand.” These are the words that inaugurate Jesus’ ministry, and the beginning of an idea which becomes the theme of Matthew’s Gospel. We are invited into the pages of scripture to follow Jesus as the teachings, miracles, and mission of the Kingdom of Heaven are released into the darkness of the earth. So often we pray the words of the Lord’s prayer, “Your Kingdom come,” without completely appreciating the transformational nature of the ask that we are making. If you have ever struggled with fully understanding who Jesus is or what it means to become a disciple of Jesus, or wanting to go deeper without knowing how, join us as we explore Matthew’s Gospel. The Kingdom has come, it is coming, and our King is calling us to enter in.”