The Madness of Wisdom

Jun 20, 2021    Matt Walton

What do we do when an electronic device is behaving slowly, or glitching, or after installing new software? We reboot it. Just as a computer might need it's memory cleared, or to go back to its core programming, there are times when we need to take a step back, and start fresh. Life has a way of stressing our systems and pushing us to operate in unhealthy ways. We load the "normal" programs of busyness, materialism, self-built identity, comparison, fulfillment through achievement, and the chasing of various idols, and we don't even realize how much they decrease our capacity to live the abundant life that God intends for us. As society emerges from a once-in-a century pandemic, and we rush to get back to "normal," it's worth looking at what parts of "normal" are worth returning to. Join us as we start fresh with the book of Ecclesiastes, bringing much-needed renewal and purpose to our lives with a Gospel reboot!