COVID-19 Update

Mar 13, 2020

As the Coronavirus pandemic has intensified over the past week, it has become clear that as a community whose mission is to connect people with Jesus, love our neighbors, and serve our city, we must take prudent action in order to do our part to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and protect those who are most vulnerable.

Normal Sunday Worship services on March 15th and 22nd have been canceled and will instead be moved online. We invite you to join us for online-only worship the next two Sundays at 10:00am, by visiting Offerings may be made through - we thank you for your generosity and support during this time in sustaining ministry.

In addition, from Sunday 3/15 through Saturday 3/28, all events and group meetings at both campuses have been canceled. Off-campus LIFEGroups are encouraged to consider postponing their meetings during this time, or consider alternate ways of connecting electronically.

If your anxiety is high right now, our encouragement is to turn panic into prayer, entrusting the God who created the universe with the outcome of God-sized problems, asking for God's intervention and doing our part to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need during this time. Christians have been known for their courage throughout history (such as during the Plague of Cyprian), and our heart is to respond to this crisis boldy and responsibly in faith. During the next two weeks you'll also be seeing more frequent posts and live streams from St. John's and Renewal, as we seek to support one another, our neighbors, and our city. We encourage everyone to follow our Facebook page at to receive future updates.

For those who are elderly or who have a chronic illness and do not have anyone who can help you get needed essentials during this time, please contact the church office at We will do our best to connect you with someone who can help so that you do not need to take a risk venturing out.

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, please contact Pastor AJ ( so that we can be aware of your situation and support you as needed.

We recognize that things are changing daily and much is uncertain, and yet one thing is sure: God loves us, knows what we're going through, and is working for our good. May the "peace of God, which surpasses all understanding... guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7

Thank you, and please join with us as we pray for God's healing and protection for people around the world!