Highlands Campus

covid19 wide

Renewal Community,
As you know, we held online-only worship services from March 15th - May 31st in order to do our part to combat the spread of COVID-19 and honor our authorities. The authorities allowed us to begin worship in our worship center again on June 7th, so you now have the choice of joining us on campus or on the live stream.
If you come to the Highlands Campus for worship on a Sunday, we have a number of safety precautions that are in place: we strongly recommend that age 3+ please wear masks (unless you have a medical/physical exception), 6ft physical distancing, symptom checks of attendees, no congregating in groups, and a limited capacity of 50 persons in the Worship Center (overflow rooms may be utilized for additional attendees). Those who have symptoms which could indicate COVID-19 may not attend. In addition, those with a medical complication or who are age 65+ are very strongly encouraged not to attend, as 90% of COVID-19 deaths in our state have affected people in the highly at-risk 65+ age bracket. For those unable to attend in person, we look forward to joining in worship with you via the live stream.
Even though we celebrate coming back, know that we likely won't fully be "back" for a year. What I mean is this: people will be making their own decisions about their participation level. Those in our community who are at risk, or concerned about transmission, might continue to worship online for quite some time. Larger events will continue to be restricted. We will also likely face a re-tightening of restrictions if/when there is a 2nd wave of infections. The effects of the pandemic won't be coming to an end anytime soon. For that reason, we will continue to minister differently over the coming year. Our ministry will continue to remain flexible, with a high emphasis on online ministry, maintaining community connections through LIFEGroups, and deploying volunteers to best meet the shifting needs of our community.
Now is the time to demonstrate joy for community and ministry in spite of the changing circumstances, because of the joy we have in the Gospel! May we embrace the promises of God and may we embrace the unique spot He has put each of us in to make a difference during this time.
"For such a time as this!" - Esther 4:14

Pastor AJ
covid19 banner

Renewal Community,

As you know, since March 15th, we have moved worship to an online-only format in order to do our part to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We are planning to worship online through at least the month of May. We will continue to assess the situation. For the sake of lives, the economy, and ministry, please pray that this pandemic can be brought under control soon.

We are truly living in remarkable times, and while it is unfortunate that we will not be able to gather in person for some time, we also take heart that we have an opportunity now for the Body of Christ to show what it is made of! Sometimes the Lord uses challenge to help remind us of whose we are, and that the church is more than a building. Our encouragement during these next few weeks is to:
  • Set a reminder to join us at 9:45am for our 10:00am online worship services at renewaldenver.org/live. Our community is about more than a building, and we will still be able to meet together and worship during this time via our live stream. Please also invite those you know to "follow" the Renewal Church facebook page so that they will receive notifications when our online live services begin.
  • Setup a recurring gift at renewaldenver.org/give. We are a community supported non-profit and count on your generosity to continue to pay employees and fund ministry during this time. If you previously gave via the offering box, if you could make this change, we thank you for helping to ensure that our ministries continue to thrive at a time when our community needs us the most!
  • Continue to participate in (or join) a LIFEGroup via a video calling software.
  • Dig into the Life Journal reading plan and Scripture On The Go podcast. Kid's devotions, children's church videos, and activities will be posted by our Children's Minister, Mallory Conway, on our "Renewal Church" facebook page.
  • Pray for and support those who have been laid-off or had their hours reduced.
  • Call/text your neighbors and ask them how they're doing.
  • For those who are young, healthy, and showing no symptoms of Coronavirus, consider volunteering with helpcoloradonow.org
While life and ministry will look very different this time, we believe that the church has an opportunity to demonstrate the power of the Gospel, courage in the face of fear, and be a life-giving force for good in the lives of our neighbors and city.

If you or anyone you know needs help, pastoral care, or contracts Coronavirus Disease during this time, please let the church office know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-729-3692 so that we can provide support.

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." - Ephesians 3:20-21