Highlands Campus


Join us on Sunday, April 17th for an amazing Easter Sunday.  We have a pancake breakfast starting at 8:30am, Easter Worship will start at the normal time (10:00am) with an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids after the service.  Hope you will join us!


Renewal Family,

On Monday, December 13th, I received a Call to serve as an Associate Pastor at Pathfinder Church in Ellisville, MO. Today, I am announcing that I have accepted the Call, and that my family will be making plans to move to Missouri.

Megan and I are truly grateful for the 8+ years of ministry that we have shared at Renewal and St. John’s, and will always have a love for this community and for Colorado. We feel the Lord Calling us to this next chapter of ministry, even as we will be sad to leave. Many of you have become like family to us, three of our children were born here, and we will always remember the launch of our Highlands Campus as one of the most fulfilling and rewarding seasons of our lives. This community has always supported us, and for that, we are thankful.

Pastor Andrew and our Elders are committed to starting the search for a new Campus Pastor for our Highlands Campus. I will be supporting and praying for them as they seek the right person to lead the amazing people of our community in continuing to make a big difference in the name of Jesus.

My last Sunday at our Wash Park campus will be on January 9th, and my final Sunday at our Highlands campus will be on January 23rd. Megan and I look forward to connecting with many of you over the next four weeks as we make plans to transition to Pathfinder. We thank you for your prayers, and are praying for God’s continued blessings on Renewal and St. John’s!

- Pastor AJ